
поднимать имя существительное:
повышение (rise, raise, rising, elevation, hike, advance)
увеличение (increase, magnification, enlargement, growth, rise, raise)
подъем (rise, lifting, lift, climb, ascent, raise)
поднятие (raise, lift, rise, elevation, rising, hoist)
прибавка (increase, increment, raise, rise, allowance)
увеличение ставки (raise)
восстающая выработка (raise, rise)
поднимать (lift, raise, up, pick up, put up, rear)
подниматься (rise, lift, climb, raise, go up, get up)
повышать (raise, up, enhance, boost, promote, advance)
воспитывать (educate, bring up, raise, nurture, rear, foster)
растить (raise, bring up, breed, nurse)
ставить (put, set, place, raise, put on, stage)
вызывать (CALL, cause, induce, call forth, call up, raise)
возвысить (raise, elevate)
собирать (collect, gather, pick, assemble, compile, raise)
выращивать (grow, cultivate, raise, rear, nurture, culture)
возвести (erect, raise)
разводить (breed, dilute, raise, grow, cultivate, rear)
взимать (levy, collect, raise)
порождать (generate, spawn, originate, engender, breed, raise)
снять (shoot, pull off, raise, get down)
выводить (deduce, derive, conclude, show, lead out, raise)
воздвигать (erect, set up, raise, build up, construct, put up)
будить (wake, wake up, awaken, awake, rouse, raise)
прорвать (break through, raise)
увеличивать ставку (raise, sweeten)
начесывать (backcomb, raise, tease)
возводить в степень (involute, raise, involve)
водружать (mount, put up, stand, raise)
выкормить (bring up, rear, raise)
издать (produce, raise)
запеть (start singing, break into song, burst forth into song, raise, pipe up, tune up)
взвить (raise, whirl up)
взвивать (whirl up, raise)
начинать (start off, start, begin, commence, initiate, raise)
ворсовать (raise)
выдавать на-гора (raise)
добывать на-гора (raise)
разыскивать (search, seek, seek out, search out, quest, raise)
ставить тесто на дрожжах (raise)
находить (find, discover, detect, retrieve, see, raise)
увидеть на горизонте (raise)

Англо-русский синонимический словарь. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "raise" в других словарях:

  • Raise — (r[=a]z), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Raised} (r[=a]zd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Raising}.] [OE. reisen, Icel. reisa, causative of r[=i]sa to rise. See {Rise}, and cf. {Rear} to raise.] [1913 Webster] 1. To cause to rise; to bring from a lower to a higher… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • raise — [rāz] vt. raised, raising [ME raisen < ON reisa, caus. of risa, to RISE] 1. a) to cause to rise; move to a higher level; lift; elevate b) to bring to or place in an upright position 2. to construct or erect (a building, etc.) …   English World dictionary

  • RAISE — ( Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering ) was developed as part of the European ESPRIT II LaCoS project in the 1990s, led by Dines Bjørner. It consists of a set of tools based around a specification language (RSL) for software… …   Wikipedia

  • raise — ► VERB 1) lift or move to a higher position or level. 2) set upright. 3) increase the amount, level, or strength of. 4) promote to a higher rank. 5) cause to be heard, felt, or considered: doubts have been raised. 6) build (a structure). 7) …   English terms dictionary

  • raise — [n] increase in salary or position accession, accretion, addition, advance, augmentation, boost, bump, hike, hold up*, increment, jump, jump up*, leg*, leg up*, move up*, promotion, raising, rise, step up*; concepts 344,351,763 Ant. decrease,… …   New thesaurus

  • raise — I (advance) verb aggrandize, augment, boost, bring up, dignify, elevate, enhance, enlarge, ennoble, exalt, further, glorify, heighten, honor, increase, lift, move up, prize, promote, propose, provehere, put, suggest, uplift, upraise associated… …   Law dictionary

  • raise — raise; raise·man; …   English syllables

  • raise — raise, rise nouns An increase of salary is called a rise in BrE and a raise in AmE …   Modern English usage

  • raise v — raise your eyebrows, raisin n …   English expressions

  • raise — vb 1 *lift, elevate, hoist, heave, rear, boost Analogous words: *rise, ascend, mount, soar: *exalt, magnify, aggrandize: *advance, promote, forward, further 2 * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • raise — raise1 W1S2 [reız] v [T] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(move higher)¦ 2¦(increase)¦ 3¦(collect money)¦ 4¦(improve)¦ 5¦(start a subject)¦ 6¦(cause a reaction)¦ 7¦(move eyes or face)¦ 8¦(move upright)¦ 9¦(children)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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